Corrymeela Events


Storywork – A Summer School in Narrative Practice, Corrymeela Ballycastle

20 - 24 Aug 2017
Corrymeela Ballycastle


Storywork – A Summer School in Narrative Practice

20 – 24 August 2017

Corrymeela Ballycastle

Read our Storywork FAQs

A Summer School on storytelling for reconciliation facilitated by Pádraig Ó Tuama and Sara Cook.

From healthcare to business, from congregational work to community work, it is being increasingly recognised that story is a key factor in personal and group wellbeing. When a person can know their story, can know that their story will be heard, can find words to share their story, and can find ways in which their story both resembles and differs from others’, wellbeing is deepened.

For 50 years, Corrymeela has been a place of story. We have been a gathering place where people from many sides of conflict and division have shared their story. While for many years we held much of this work quietly, we are now beginning to offer training courses on using narrative practice in your personal, community and professional life. 


This weekend course will explore methodologies of narrative practice that are relevant for: Teamwork, Community Development and Conflict situations.

We will cover some of the theoretical bases for understanding narrative dynamics within groups a variety of practices for using narrative work in professional and community settings. We will coincide our gathering with a hugely popular storytelling event in Belfast and we will also engage the participants in a process of storytelling in the group.

“The answer is in a story and the story is being told.”

Cost : £599 (this rate comes with the offer for a single–occupancy room for £100 extra)
If you wish to apply for a subsidised rate of £350, you may apply, and if we are successful in raising other funds, we will let you know. 

Some feedback from participants in the Storywork 2016 residential:
–      A rich well–balanced programme; good content and a helpful mix of different ways to engage; It felt hard work but very satisfying.
–       Interesting and informative, excellent communication by facilitators; appreciated the workshop format.
–       Thoroughly enjoyed it! It’s so amazing to hear from people working in the field I want to go into. Thought it was an excellent mix of theoretical/practical application and interpersonal engagement. Read more in our Storywork FAQs.