Conflict in Groups, Corrymeela Belfast Office
06 Dec 2016
Corrymeela Belfast Office
Conflict in Groups – reflections from group psychoanalysis.
6th December 9.30am –1pm, Corrymeela Belfast Office, 83 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP.
Suggested donation £15.
A morning exploring the contribution of Group Psychoanalysis to Peacebuilding, led by John Alderdice.
Groups are powerful experiences. In every group there is both desire and resistance. There are unnamed and powerful undercurrents. So much of peace building is about working well with groups. Corrymeela is delighted to partner with the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building for a morning exploring some of the insights of Group Psychoanalysis to groupwork as it is relevant to peace practitioners.
Participants on this seminar will be emailed in advance with a short paper, and the seminar will consist of some teaching, some discussion of the paper, some case studies and some attention to the dynamics of the gathered group.
If you are interested, please email with your name and a brief paragraph about your interest and your contact details. The suggested donation for this morning is £15.
Lord John Alderdice studied medicine and qualified in 1978. He worked part–time as a consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy from 1988 until he retired from psychiatric practice in 2010. He also lectured at Queen’s Faculty of Medicine between 1991 and 1999. A former leader of the Alliance Party he was elevated to the Peerage in 1996. He was the first Speaker of the NI Assembly from 1998–2004 and a member of the Independent Monitoring Committee from 2004–2011.