Corrymeela Events


Corrymeela in the City, 4th Sunday each month

26 May - 26 Jun 2024
Fitzroy Presbyterian Church

Corrymeela in the City is a monthly gathering of worship for those who wish to share silence, song, scripture, reflection and prayer with one another. 

Whenever we gather for worship as Corrymeela, we gather around a table with a lit candle, a turf cross and an open bible. The lit candle reminds us of the divine alive in our midst. The turf cross reminds us of our connection to the earth, to this island and to a faith that predates our religious divisions. The open bible reminds us of the gift of using scripture to open conversations rather than to end them.

We are Christian. We try to be inclusive. We know that for many those two descriptions feel incompatible. But we would love to gather around the table with you.

Corrymeela in the City is followed by a cup of tea and a chat for anyone who wishes to join us.

We are Corrymeela and you are always welcome.

On the 4th Sundays of the Month at Fitzroy Church, University Street, Belfast

Doors open at 5pm for a 5.15 start.