Corrymeela Donate


Regular Giving

Help us sustain hope


 “After 14 months we were crying out for time and space to renew ourselves”.
Amy, Youth Worker / Monkstown Boxing Club

Become a regular giver – UK

Become a regular giver – International

Watch our inspiring film and discover how we are continuing to sustain hope in exhausted frontline workers like Amy. 

Your regular gift will help us welcome over 8,000 people every year to our centre and into our programmes—because together is better.

By giving a regular gift you could help even more people from different backgrounds to discover new ways to thrive together.

A regular gift or recurring donation is especially valuable because it is a reliable source of income, helping us to plan better, pay our core costs and develop our programme.

All it takes is two simple steps to help Corrymeela continue to work with some of the most marginalised groups in our society:

1. Decide how much you want to give a month.

> £5 a month could help us provide lunch for a group who are working to sustain hope

> £10 per month could help to pay the salary of a facilitator to work with a frontline youth worker.

> £20 per month could help provide accommodation and food for a group to visit our Ballycastle Centre.

2. Use the links below to give.

Become a regular giver – UK

Become a regular giver – International

Please give what you can as your support can help us continue to sustain hope.

Alternatively, you could make a one off donation to Corrymeela by clicking the button below:

Donate from the UK / Give a one–off gift


Donate from outside the UK


Other ways to donate

By giving regularly, you can help us support more groups like the Monkstown Boxing Club to discover new ways to survive and thrive together.

Thanks for all you do to enable us to do that.