Corrymeela Events


Advent Reflection, Corrymeela Ballycastle

25 Nov 2017
Corrymeela Ballycastle


Advent Reflection

Saturday 25th November 2017

10am – 3.30pm

The Croi, Corrymeela Ballycastle

‘Wrestling, Resting and Waiting on God’

An Advent Reflection in a waiting world on resting and finding meaning in the waiting. Facilitated by Community Members Olive Bell, and Yvonne Naylor, this programme will include discussion, debate and creative activities to help us focus on the theme of Advent waiting in the context of some of the issues in our world today.

Cost £20 including tea/coffee and lunch, payment on arrival.

Olive Bell has an M.Phil in Reconciliation Studies from the Irish School of Ecumenics  T.C.D. She worked for 8 years in the Methodist Theological College at Queens developing the work of reconciliation. She is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church and a Corrymeela Community Member.  Her key interest is the relational world. 

Yvonne Naylor has an M.Phil in Reconciliation Studies from the Irish School of Ecumenics, T.C.D. She worked for seven years on the Transforming Sectarianism project with the Irish School of Ecumenics in Belfast and is a volunteer trainer/facilitator for Corrymeela. For more information see