Corrymeela Events


Conversations that Matter (18–30 year olds), Ballycastle

13 - 15 Sep 2019
Corrymeela Ballycastle 18–30 year olds

ctmConversations That Matter
From September 13 (6.30pm) to September 15 (2.30pm).




An invitation for young adults from all around the island to engage in a weekend of Conversations that Matter. Meeting old friends, making new friends, diving into the depths of stuff that matters through dialogue, sharing, questions and The Flow Game.

Participation in the weekend is FREE– to book your place contact

Accommodation may be shared.

The conversations will be centred around Flow Games and the themes will be established by the participants but could include:

The Environment – responsibility & possibility
A chance to explore roles, responses, and responsibilities to the environmental concerns of people north & south. A chance to converse concerning the experience, action and learning of those involved in campaigning for more sustainable ways of engagement

Brexit – complexity and courage
A chance to explore the magnitude of feeling and of cultural shift in the continuing drama of Brexit realities. A chance to cdiscuss such things as borders, identities, boundaries, exclusion, cultural history, forced migration and political populism.

Living Well Together – cultural shift and empathy
A chance to explore the distancing of people from each other, and the possibility of positive cultural shift. A chance to open questions of empathy and goodness, kindness and compassion – and whether or not these elements have any say in living during the technological age.

This is a chance to hang out at the sea, have your brain and heart engaged in worthwhile and needed dialogue, and contribute to the growth and development of our shared island and world.

The Conversations that Matter programme is made possible through the generous support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and The Anchor Foundation

