Corrymeela Events


René Girard Weekend ‘On the way of freedom’, Ballycastle

21 - 23 Feb 2020
Corrymeela Ballycastle

gir1An exploration of relationships, conflict and peace in the light of the work of René Girard.

Peace is always a question of relationships.  How we live in our relationships and how we cope with and take responsibility for violence have therefore always been important questions in Corrymeela, impacting on central questions of faith, society and our personal lives.

Over many years, some of us have drawn heavily on the work of René Girard, a French professor of literature, who came to the conclusion that our relationships decided what we desire and who we become and who further identified that our peace has been assured largely by making others, or another, our scapegoats, responsible for our violence.

This weekend will be an opportunity to explore some of these insights and their meaning for our faith, our lives together in society and community and our personal stories.  It will offer an interactive opportunity both to understand some of Girard’s thinking and to relate it to our own experiences. 

The weekend will be facilitated and guided by Duncan Morrow, a member of the Community and someone who has been deeply influenced by this way of thinking.

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