Corrymeela News


Peace Academic from the Korean Peninsula

07 Nov 2017

jinWe are hearing a lot about Korea in the news of late. Corrymeela is delighted to partner with the Irish School of Ecumenics in hosting Dr. Dong Jin Kim in Belfast over the next two years.

Dong Jin Kim is a Korean Academic with a particular emphasis on peacemaking and ecumenical initiatives across both South and North Korea. Jin is a skilled communicator, an insightful academic and a careful negotiator, using relationship, connection and shared interests to build common interests in people who might otherwise be divided by politics, and borders. He’s translated John Paul Lederach’s work into Korean and demonstrates the art of peace building in his capacity to build relationships across difference. At Corrymeela we are always interested in how to transform conflict through human encounter. Jin’s analytical and relational work demonstrates extraordinary competence across these areas.

His recent article on exploring the Peacebuilding role of Religious Civil Society initiatives in the Korean Peninsula has been reviewed in the Peace Science Digest – a link to which can be found here.

You can read more about Dong Jin Kim and his work here. He is an Irish Research Council Marie Skłodowska–Curie Actions (MSCA) Co–fund CAROLINE (Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe) Fellow at the Irish School of Ecumenics. His CAROLINE research project is entitled ‘Comparative Studies on the Peace Processes in Northern Ireland and Korea: Toward Strategic Peacebuilding’. The research is carried out in partnership with Corrymeela, Northern Ireland.