Research Report: Countering Paramilitary and Organised Criminal Influence on Youth
21 Apr 2020
Countering Paramilitary and Organised Criminal Influence on Youth
One of the strengths of Corrymeela has been the development of local and international partnerships over the years. Through our discussions and interactions, there was rising concern about young people engaging with Paramilitary Violence. In response to this we gathered an International Symposium in July 2018. In gathering representatives from our wide network, we began to try and uncover links between practice both here and abroad. It was refreshing and inspiring to hear what key partners were learning about violence and young people in other contexts. We were inspired to find out more.
To further this work, In June 2019 a team of academics based in Ulster University were commissioned by the Corrymeela Community on behalf of the Education Authority to conduct research on the theme of young people, youth work and tackling paramilitarism in Northern Ireland.
This research was a review of practice locally and globally to look for learning, fresh ideas and successful practice in other contexts. Corrymeela are glad to be a part of cutting edge thinking in the context of Northern Ireland and look forward to being part of putting the recommendations into practice.
A full and summary report are available for download from the ‘Research’ section of our website HERE.