Belfast and the World 1918–21 – Marking a decade of Anniversaries
As part of our Legacies of Conflict programme, Corrymeela is delivering an exciting community engagement programme across Belfast that focuses on marking the ‘decade of anniversaries’. The programme, ‘Belfast and the World 1918–1921’ is being delivered on behalf of Belfast City Council as part of their PEACE IV Plan, which is funded by the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.
For who?
The programme is for adults who reside in Belfast, with a particular focus on those from more marginalised areas. As per Peace IV programme rules, all groups must be cross community in nature and participants must commit to a minimum of 33 hours of engagement with the programme.
The programme has a primary focus on marking the centenaries across the 1918 –1921 period, however we will also explore the previous anniversaries from 1912–1917. The programme seeks to remember the past in a shared and ethical way, supporting participants to learn about the cultural diversity of Belfast and how our understandings of the past influence the present. We will remember the decade as a whole, as the events are inter–related.
The programme lasts 33 hours and will be delivered through evening workshops, lectures and site visits, including tours of Belfast and Dublin.
Participating groups will also have the chance to design a Civic Led Event, which will be open to the wider public. This could be based on a theme or issues that was interesting to the group and that they want to share with a wider audience.
The themes we will explore include:
• Commemoration and today
• Overview of the Decade 1912 – 1922
• Belfast and the Decade (Site Tours)
• Culture and Sport in the Decade.
• The Role of Women
• WW1, Ireland and the World
• Labour Must Wait.
• Dublin and the Decade (Site Tours)
• Voting and the General Election 1918
• To partition and beyond.
How can I get involved?
We will engage with 50 people per year, through 2 cohorts of 25 people (200 people in total) . Each cohort will be run separately, with some joint workshops and lectures. There will be opportunities for both individuals and community groups to be involved. If you would like to be involved, use the contact details below or sign up to our mailing list. The specific venues will depend on where participating groups are based.
To access the keynote address by Rev Dr Johnston McMaster from the launch event of ‘Belfast and the World 1918–1921’, please click here.
Click here to sign up for our mailing list
(The sign up form will open in a new window).
For more information contact Hedley Abernethy –Project Coordinator –Legacies of Conflict via email or by telephone 028 9050 8080.