Corrymeela Programmes


Contact Culture & Conflict around the Causeway

A programme exploring the Heritage of the Ulster Plantations

About the Programme

Though the Ulster Plantations took place over 400 years ago, their legacy is still evident in today’s landscape and society. Although a contested period, there is much new evidence that complicates our understanding of the relationships between the peoples of Britain and Ireland.  Corrymeela in partnership with Belfast City Council, Causeway Museum Service, Queen’s University and Ulster University have developed a programme that explores these themes. The programme focuses on archaeological investigations that challenge popular understanding of this complex period and examines objects both that have survived from the period and those excavated from archaeological digs. Initially funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, we have built a heritage skills programme that can both support communities to interpret and understand this complex period and apply these skills to their own landscapes.

What will be explored?

The programme is best delivered through a two–night residential experience at Corrymeela, although shorter introductory sessions can also be developed.  Participants will experience a range of interactive sessions, including:

·      An overview of the historical period of the Plantations.

·      Skills development in reading landscapes and how to interpret and understand objects from the period;

·      Site visits across the Causeway Coast where archaeology reveals a more complex story, including Dungiven Priory, a plantation village at Movanagher, Coleraine Town and Dunluce Castle.

·      Group work sessions that consider the relevance of this heritage for the present day.

Watch the film below to learn more about the approach and hear the views of past participants.


At present, we have no funding to offer the programme free of charge, however groups may be able to avail of grant aid from their local council or other sources to self– fund the programme. On occasion, we also run this as an ‘open programme’ which is advertised on the Events page of our website.

For information on costings, or advice on potential funders, please contact Sean – see below for contact details.


Sean Pettis

Development Worker –Education, Corrymeela Tel: 028 9050 8080



